In-Depth Analysis.

How to separate first and last name in excel

How to separate first name, middle name and last name in excel using formula.

Bena Brin
4 days ago

If you ever need to separate first and last names into different columns in Excel sheets, this add-on will be a valuable assistant.

Click here to download on office marketplace

How to separate first name, middle name and last name in excel using formula.

It distinguishes between first, last, and middle names, recognizing over 80 titles and 40 post-nominals.

Separated Names by the formula

Unlike Excel’s standard “Split text to columns” feature, which separates name units one by one using a delimiter, our tool detects all parts simultaneously and organizes them into corresponding cells with just one click.

Also unlike the AI based tool the formula follows the standard text splitting approach and recognizes Salutation and suffix on top of the customers full names.



Bena Brin

I am Risk Consultant working for a Swiss Fintech. I help Banks fight Fraud using big data technologies.Data Science/Machine Learning/